Tag: Scalability

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zkSync’s Mystery Airdrop: Unveiling the Realm of zk Tokens

The blockchain world buzzed with speculation and excitement as zkSync hinted at an upcoming airdrop. This news, circulating through the crypto community, had enthusiasts...

Ethereum Layer 2 Networks: Base and Beyond Making Millions

Ethereum Layer 2 Networks Raking in Millions, with Base Leading the Pack As the world of blockchain continues to grow and evolve, Ethereum's Layer 2...

Ethereum Unveils Pectra Upgrade Plans for Q1 2025

Ethereum, the world's second-largest cryptocurrency network, is gearing up for its much-anticipated upgrade named "Pectra," slated for Q1 2025. This planned rollout comes hot...

Optimism’s OP Stack: Pioneering Blockchain’s Layer 3 Advancement

Layer 1 to Layer 2 solutions has been nothing short of revolutionary, enhancing scalability and speed which traditional blockchains were initially criticized for lacking....

Bernstein Ranks Solana as Blockchain Payments Contender

As the dynamic landscape of blockchain payments persists, Solana has been highlighted by the team at Bernstein as a crucial contender. For blockchains, it's...


Bitcoin ETFs Attract $12M Inflows: Financial Shifts and Market Dynamics

US Spot Bitcoin ETFs Witness $12 Million Net Inflows The...

Memecoin Market Volatility: Impact of Political Turbulence on Cryptocurrencies

Memecoins' Downfall: A Tale of Market Volatility Amid Political...

