Bitcoin’s Path to $73K Could Trigger ‘Escape Velocity’ Phase: Analysts Predict


A potential surge in Bitcoin’s price to $73,000 is being heralded as a pivotal moment for the cryptocurrency, possibly initiating its “escape velocity” phase, according to prominent crypto analysts. This term, borrowed from astrophysics, refers to the speed necessary for an object to break free from a celestial body’s gravitational pull without further propulsion.

Bitcoin to $73K: A Crucial Turning Point

Crypto analyst James Check highlighted this concept in his May 21 market report, suggesting that Bitcoin’s return to the $73,000 price point could mark the beginning of a significant acceleration. Check’s analysis leverages the short-term holder (STH) market value to realized value (MVRV) metric, indicating that the market is not yet “overstretched, overbought, and over-saturated.”

“While the transition from enthusiasm to euphoria can happen quickly, it feels like we have not reached the point of euphoric escape velocity…yet,” Check stated. “We are still within a steady, stable, enthusiastic, but importantly NOT euphoric phase of the bull,” he added, suggesting that the current conditions are laying a strong foundation for a price rally at $73,000.

Potential Resistance from Short-Term Holders

However, Check also cautioned that this price level could encounter resistance from STHs, who might sell off their holdings as they reach sufficient profit. STHs are typically wallets that have held Bitcoin for less than 155 days, and their selling could create short-term price resistance.

Market Sentiment: No Euphoria Yet

Other analysts echo this sentiment, agreeing that the market has yet to reach a state of euphoria. Crypto trader Matthew Hyland noted, “Bitcoin is at $70k and there is little excitement and no euphoria, have to like it,” in a May 22 post on X. This lack of euphoria, despite high prices, is seen as a positive indicator by some.

Adding to this perspective, pseudonymous crypto trader Jelle commented, “Bitcoin is just a sneeze away from entering price discovery,” suggesting that the cryptocurrency is on the brink of exploring new price territories.

Long-Term Predictions and Market Consolidation

Yoddha, another pseudonymous crypto trader, believes Bitcoin will reach its peak price before March 18, 2025. “Bitcoin has been consolidating in the current range for the past 84 days. In my opinion, from the current price, BTC will hit the top within the next 300 days,” they wrote in a May 22 post on X.

Current Bitcoin Price and Future Outlook

Currently, Bitcoin is trading at approximately $69,088, and a move to $73,000 would represent a gain of about 5.6%, according to CoinMarketCap data. This anticipated price movement is seen as a crucial step toward the much-anticipated “escape velocity” phase, setting the stage for Bitcoin’s next major price discovery journey.

Bitcoin’s potential rise to $73,000 is being closely watched by crypto analysts and traders alike. While resistance from short-term holders is expected, the overall market sentiment remains cautiously optimistic. As Bitcoin approaches this critical price point, the possibility of entering an “escape velocity” phase could usher in a new era of price discovery and growth for the world’s leading cryptocurrency.


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