Open Builders, the creators of Telegram’s viral tap-to-earn sensation Notcoin, are taking a major leap forward with the launch of Not Games. This new platform will unify multiple Telegram games under a shared ecosystem, allowing players to maintain a single profile, accumulate rewards, and compete for Notcoin (NOT) tokens.
A Unified Gaming Ecosystem on Telegram
Not Games aims to solve the fragmented nature of gaming on Telegram by introducing persistent player profiles, shared inventories, and a seamless in-game economy across multiple titles. Unlike standalone games, this ecosystem allows achievements and rankings to carry over, creating a more immersive and rewarding experience.
Players will have a unified balance and inventory system, meaning assets earned in one game could be used in others. Additionally, earned items can be traded on secondary marketplaces, increasing their utility beyond individual games.
Powering the Platform With Notcoin (NOT)
The entire Not Games ecosystem will run on the NOT token, which launched last year on The Open Network (TON) through a massive airdrop that reached millions of players. At its peak, NOT’s market cap surged to nearly $3 billion, making it one of the most significant gaming token launches of the year. However, like many gaming tokens, its price has since experienced a downturn.
Despite market fluctuations, NOT remains central to the platform. Players can use it for in-game purchases, upgrades, and rewards, with top competitors vying for NOT tokens in skill-based challenges held every three weeks.
Introducing VOID and Future Expansions
The first game to integrate into Not Games is VOID, a real-time skill-based game inspired by the popular web game VOID, which recently launched publicly after a closed beta, pits players against each other in a multiplayer battle where survival is key.
And this is just the beginning. Open Builders has announced plans for at least five additional games under the Not Games umbrella, promising an expanding selection of interactive experiences for Telegram users.
A ‘Netflix for Social Games’
Sasha Plotvinov, founder of Open Builders, had previously hinted at the Not Games concept before the launch of the NOT token. Comparing the vision to a Netflix-style model, he emphasized the goal of creating a constantly evolving library of viral, social games designed for quick engagement and competition.
“We want it to become the Netflix of social, viral games,” Plotvinov told last April.
With its expanding ecosystem and shared rewards structure, Not Games represents a significant step toward making Telegram-based gaming more interconnected and engaging. Whether this approach will redefine gaming within the messaging platform remains to be seen, but it undoubtedly signals a bold new chapter for Notcoin and Open Builders.